

Apple Music for Artists – Statistik-Dashboard für Künstler


Apple legt wieder in Sachen Statistiken für Inhaltsanbieter nach. Nachdem die Statistiken für Podcasts vor kurzer Zeit endlich etwas ausgebaut wurden, sind jetzt Künstler, die auf Apple Music vertreten sind, an der Reihe. Dabei gibt es umfangreiche Daten über die eigenen Titel sowie die Hörgewohnheiten der Kunden. 

Die Konkurrenz bietet derartige Dienste bereits länger an, jetzt zieht Apple endlich nach. Der Dienst startet aktuell in eine offene Beta Phase.

The initial beta rollout involves a few thousand artists who will test the product and see what adjustments and expansions. If any, should be made before Apple Music for Artists opens in the Spring to the several million artists with content on the iTunes and Apple Music platforms. Later plans call for a mobile app.

The easily navigable dashboard’s home page provides artists with their current number of plays, spins, song purchases and album purchases. The user can specify the time period ranging from the past 24 hours to the 2015 launch of Apple Music.

Apple Music for Artists liefert mehr Daten

Im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz soll die Lösung von Apple jetzt aber mehr Daten bieten. Zudem soll das Interface übersichtlicher und damit einfacher zu bedienen sein.

In addition to broad strokes, artists can drill down on a granular level in myriad ways. A global map allows musicians to click on any of the 115 countries in which Apple Music/iTunes is available and find out what’s happening with their music. They can select individual cities and see how many plays and sales they have in each market, as well as look at their top songs in every city. They may further examine the listener demographics per city, for example, calling up how many times females ages 16-24 in Los Angeles have listened to a particular song.
[…] Additionally, artists can view all Apple-curated playlists on which they appear, see how many plays they receive and how they are trending over time.

Via Billboard


Tags: Daten, Analyse, Artists, Apple Music, Statistik

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